You are currently viewing Vitamin K. Why is vitamin K necessary for humans? What products contain it?

Vitamin K. Why is vitamin K necessary for humans? What products contain it?

Humans require vitamin K as a necessary nutrient because it is essential to many vital bodily processes. Blood clotting and bone health are the two main roles of vitamin K in the body. Vitamin K comes in two main forms: vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and vitamin K2 (menaquinone), each of which plays a different role in the body.

Blood Clotting: 

The creation of several proteins involved in blood clotting requires vitamin K. When you have an injury or cut, these proteins aid in stopping the bleeding. Blood clotting would be compromised without enough vitamin K, increasing the risk of excessive bleeding.

Bone Health: 

In addition, vitamin K is crucial for strong bones. It facilitates the activation of osteocalcin, a protein involved in the mineralization of bone that results in strong, dense bones. Vitamin K deficiency can aggravate bone diseases like osteoporosis.

Vitamin K is primarily obtained from dietary sources. Here are some foods that contain vitamin K:

Leafy Greens: 

Excellent sources of vitamin K1 include dark leafy greens like kale, spinach, collard greens, Swiss chard, and broccoli.

Vegetable Oils: 

Vitamin K1 is present in some vegetable oils, including soybean, canola, and olive oils.


Vitamin K1 is present in fresh herbs like parsley, basil, and cilantro. 

Animal-Based Sources: 

Some animal-based sources of vitamin K2, which plays distinct roles in bone health, include liver, egg yolks, and some fermented foods like natto (a Japanese dish) and some cheeses.

Fermented Foods: 

Because they are made by bacteria that synthesize vitamin K2 in this form, some fermented foods, like sauerkraut and kefir, contain it.


Healthcare professionals may occasionally advise taking vitamin K supplements, especially for people with certain medical conditions or those who are at risk of deficiency.

It is crucial to remember that vitamin K is widely available in a variety of foods, making vitamin K deficiency relatively uncommon in healthy individuals. The risk of deficiency can, however, be raised by a few medical conditions, drugs, or dietary restrictions. For advice and possible supplementation, talk to your doctor if you are worried about your vitamin K intake or believe you may be deficient.

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